Zaurus SL-C3100 Interaces






No. Symbol Function IN/OUT Description
1 PWR IN(+) Power supply to the device, + side
2 PWR IN(+) Power supply to the device, + side
3 SD Transmitted Data OUT Transmitted data
4 RD Received Data IN Received data
5 RS Request to send OUT Request to send data
6 CS Clear to send IN Data transmission enabled
7 DR Data set ready IN Data set ready
8 GND Signal GND GND Signal GND
9 USB D+ USB Data + (bi-directional) IN/OUT USB data signal, +
10 WakeUp Sync signal IN Trigger signal for synchronization to PC
11 VCC VCC VCC Power supply
12 USB D- USB Data (bi-directional) IN/OUT USB data signal, -
13 Reserve Reserve Reserve Pulled down internally
14 ER Data terminal ready OUT Data terminal ready
15 PWR GND Power supply to the device, - side
16 PWR GND Power supply to the device, - side
FG Frame GND

Connected pins on the SL-Cxx00 series are: 3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,13 and 14. So only the serial / wakeup functions are supported on the new Zauris.

:z:16pin-spec.pdf 16 pin technical specification.

:z:tcx3104e.pdf Socket mechanical drawing.

:z:tcx3106e.pdf Plug mechanical drawing.

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